Mission Statement

Our Mission is to share the Gospel of Christ and demonstrate God's love by building relationships and responding compassionately to those with spiritual, physical and emotional needs.

What We Do

We work in Sierra Leone to care for nearly 150 orphans in our two orphanages. Through child sponsorship, we provide food, clothing, education, medical care, and most importantly, Biblical discipleship. We are also involved in numerous ongoing community outreaches designed to spread the good news of the love of Christ to the people of Sierra Leone.

Where We Serve

We serve orphans in the local villages of Wellington and Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. These villages are among the many that were devastated by Ebola in 2014.

Our community outreach endeavors take place in remote jungle villages, Rokbop, Matsumana, and Mile 91. We bring Bibles, medical supplies, food, and utilize preaching, skits, and interpretive dance to bring the Gospel message of hope to the jungle.

Amy Grant, Longtime Sponsor and Board Member

“I first started writing my sweet sponsored daughter, Martha about 11 years ago. I was blessed to meet her not long after that and started sponsoring her. I’ve enjoyed watching her grow into a wonderful young woman! Even though she’s on the other side of the world, she’ll always be family to me! It has brought so much joy for me to see her thrive! She went to University and now she has a job working in another orphanage. So proud to call her daughter!!“


The Impact of Sponsorship

“So, about 12 years ago, we started sponsoring Tabitha as she was growing up in the Wellington orphanage. Little did we know at that point that our relationship with her would bring so much joy into our lives.

We have had the opportunity to communicate with Tabitha regularly through WhatsApp over the years and as she grew up, we were even able to get her through college as one of the first women to graduate from college in Sierra Leone!”

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

James 1:27